If what you’re expecting, as we go on, are stuff like ‘tips on the smoochy-woochies’ or ‘how tos’ on ‘lovey-dovies’ or even the teeny-weeniest inkling towards romance. Then this is not really what you’re looking for.

Grasses and stick picture

Relationship in the basic sense, depicts connection or association; the condition of being related(dictionary definition). 

This word describing how we relate with any other person or thing is now most regarded for its romantic facets- which is not in the least wrong.
Not only how we feel towards family, friends, acquaintances and strangers but also how we interact with them, shows the level and quality of the relationships we have with them.

Guys walking on a path picture

“The solutions to our life’s problems lie in our relationships with people...”

 A quote I heard sometime ago. It explains that there are certain key things in life that we need but can never really get access to because we lack the relationships that would’ve  gotten them to us.  Probably because we snubbed the wrong people or fought with who would’ve been the right person. This is not saying that the basis for relationship is what we can get, and neither is it advocating being friends with everyone. But as much as is within our power, to try to be at peace with everyone. Note the ‘ much as is...’, now you could agree that that is a workable proposition.

No relationship is without hitches, romantic or not. Families fight, friends have exchanges, acquaintances could have had bad first impressions and strangers, well, could be strange. But working it can be intentional and very possible. 

Weird plant picture

Personally, the most beautiful part of relationships is a smile. Even research confirms the innumerable positives of smiling. What shows connection between two or more people is either the curve of their lips or the glint in their eyes. Few things are more heart-warming or calming than the smile of someone you know. And fewer things more annoying than your presence having no effect( from experience).

Two guys walking and talking

Share your thoughts and experiences, good or bad. Your views or disagreements... DO COMMENT.


  1. I feel u my G,we getting there on a soft

  2. We make our own enemies as much as we make our own friends

  3. Beautiful! Got quite a lot to learn from the piece. More wisdom dear.

  4. So true...a smile is everything 😊

  5. Amazing content as always
    Thanks for sharing
