picture of an interview setup

It’s been a bit over six months since this space was created. It might not seem much but on the premise that every big thing had a beginning, I can say that it has been a wonderful experience so far. One that I definitely want to keep going.


This is an introduction to a series that I am excited about and hope will thrill you too.




Yes, interviews. Interviews with people, brands and businesses that I am intrigued by. Ones that I also know will have a relatable feel because they definitely are not Bill Gates or Jeff Bezos(not yet anyway *laughs*), but innovative people as well.



To start it, I gave myself a surprise interview. I wasn’t prepared for it because I didn’t tell me (no jokes).

Let’s get right into it then.









Can we know you?

I’m Bob, a student of Parasitology and Entomology in Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka. I run a blog on random social topics or issues.


What made you start a blog?

Well… honestly I just wanted to start something I could say I had given my time and energy. No really special reasons, I didn’t even have the slightest idea about the basics like the blogging platforms or the rest and still currently have so much to imbibe and implement, but I just wanted to ‘talk’ though not in a video(laughs).


 How has it affected you?

To a certain degree, it gave me a sense of responsibility. I know that people look forward to what I put out and I won’t feel proud if I disappoint so I have to think, get informed, put something together and deliver. I also learn a lot in the process so it’s a win-win. I do not feel pressured and I’ll definitely rest if I need to.


You said random social topics, how do you choose them?

I get this question as often as not. I get stuck many times. My ideas come mainly from my interactions with people, things that happen around me, national or international occurrences, social media, just about any and everywhere.

Sometimes nothing clicks, no ideas are forthcoming. I just pray and sleep, I literally cannot come and kill myself. Then boom! Something drops.


Which post feedback shocked you the most?

I get a lot of heartwarming feedback on many of my posts but my post on how to make a million naira in six days was the most surprising. Money has power everywhere mann!(laughs)

I had the effect in mind but it surprised me that it actually worked, and even more that readers were very okay with it. The statistics with that particular post broke the previous ones by almost a hundred percent and set the pace for my next ones.


What is unique about your space?

I share either how I really feel or facts about whatever topic I discuss depending on whether it is an informative or interactive article.

I try to write as I would speak if it were in person, so the ‘imbibe and implement’ line for example, is most likely the same way I would put it if I were face to face with anyone. And I like for this to actually show in my writing style so hopefully, my lovely voice can read out the words to whoever is reading, if we’ve met that is.

And I also try to engage every comment and review. I’m very open to expert advice, suggestions and a little criticism-not too heavy for now, a little(chuckles).


What has been your most discouraging moment?

I wouldn’t be lying if I said I don’t know or I don’t remember but comparison can be very discouraging. There are millions of blogs, and many successful ones and their results can be overwhelming at times especially for someone just starting out. There’s also a lot more to blogging than just images and write-ups and jumping into it with just fiery passion is not really the best.


One fun fact about the blog

The ‘3B’ in the name ‘3B’s wall’ is actually a nickname of mine. And the fun fact there is that I don’t even know or rather haven’t chosen what it means(shrugs).


How has the lockdown affected you?

‘Bloggingwise’ the pandemic was probably one of the best things that happened. Not only because I’m at home with what I need to do it but also because the restriction from other activities (notably-but not limited to-school*winks*) really helped me as a beginner.


What has been your greatest motivation?

It has to be from family and friends. My family support me in the most funny ways and it is just outta-this-world. My friends are another backbone. A lot help me even when I don’t ask for it. In reviews, criticisms, yabbings, tokens, genuine comments and so much more. They keep me going, no doubt.

One of the most thrilling is when someone I don’t know or I didn’t personally reach out to, reaches out to me just to say that they appreciate my work. That alone has lit up my moody face A LOT of times and there’s an extra boost it gives that I can’t really put into words.

There’s also the desire to know how this will turn out and what it will grow into, I definitely want to see that.


Thank you for the time

Thank you too.






I had a wonderful time with me and it was really inspiring getting to know how I felt about what I do and I hope you also enjoyed it.


How do you feel about the new interview series? Would you rather have something else? What do you want on this space? It is yours as much as it is mine so let’s deliberate in the comments.


Share with others too!



  1. Replies
    1. I'm really happy you enjoyed it. There's so much more in store for you, I trust you'll love them to

  2. Nice monologue mate, I can imagine you playing with your mind and mentality. So you don't actually know the meaning of your nickname, 3B? *laughs then smirks *. I would eventually try that or quickly, '2NO'
    *laughs again*
    Jisike Nnam!!

    1. I really don't oh🤣... I think it kinda makes it either stupid or special, I choose special though.

      Glad to know you enjoyed it

  3. Unlike Bob I know what my just formed nickname is 😂, but I'm not saying anything. Check my name and figure it out😂

    1. 🤣🤣 I'm guessing it's a chemical spin off. Seems cool too

  4. The interview series will sure be an amazing one. I personally love interviewing with people on issues...know why ? U stand to learn a while lot and understand the Hows and the Whys. Please don't STOP. Looking forward to the next episode ....tell you what ? Someday you'll be interviewing a Head Of State. All the best.

    1. Amen sir.
      Thank you so much for this.

      It will definitely only get better

  5. Hey Bob
    First off.... congratulations on your post, it's awesome.
    You've really outdone yourself this time.I think the interview series will be fantastic.
    You know what???
    #Your exuberance is refreshing����

    1. Thank you so much Sylvia. It really means a lot.

      Have so much more for you so keep watching this space

  6. So constructive
    Keep up the good works

  7. The interview with self was interesting. You just keep getting better. Keep up dear. I look forward to more intriguing content from this space.

    1. Thank you so much for this energy, you will not be disappointed
